Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Central Segment of the Upper Rhine Graben (Localities Graben Neudorf, Waghäusel and Philippsburg): Observations from Well and 3D Seismic Data

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  • Date:


  • Speaker:

    M.Sc Igor Kozlov

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  • Abstract: The Upper Rhine Graben (URG) is a continental rift basin with a multiphase development history that, despite extensive research and a large volume of available data, remains not fully understood. The interaction between syn-rift tectonics and sedimentation in the northern part of the central segment of the URG was investigated, using a 3D seismic dataset and well data. To achieve this, a detailed study of the growth history of normal faults within the study area was undertaken using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Seismic facies analysis, along with geophysical well logs and other well data, were utilized to constrain depositional environments, and a synthesis between fault activity and sedimentation is provided. Syn-rift faulting within the study area commenced during the early rifting phase in the Eocene to Early Oligocene and progressed unevenly, with a period of inactivity of the fault network. Depositional environments within the study area varied significantly throughout the rifting history, ranging from fluvio-lacustrine to relatively deep marine settings. The deposition was primarily controlled by syn-rift tectonics and eustatic sea-level changes, with tectonics mainly governing intra-basin depositional patterns, while eustasy was responsible for larger-scale marine-to-continental transitions.