Basin Analysis and Modeling [T-BGU-111543]

Lecturer: T.T. Prof. Nevena Andrić-Tomašević, Dr. Giridas Maiti, M.Sc. Lucas Eskens

Language: English            Semester: Winter semester

Content: The course aims at providing an in-depth understanding of the sedimentary basin evolution by considering external and internal forcing factors, and economically important geo-resources. This course will advance students’ knowledge and experiences in the analysis and interpretation of geological and geophysical data leading toward building numerical models required to predict and qualitatively assess sedimentary features (e.g., grain size distribution, thickness maps, key stratigraphic surfaces, porosity, permeability, etc.). At the end of the course, students will: (1) have a physical understanding of the long- and short-term processes operating in the sedimentary basins; (2) be able to conceptualize sedimentary basin-related problems and turn them into modeling strategies; (3) learn how to use and develop parts of numerical models, and (4) critically evaluate their results to respond to specific scientific and industry-related questions. The course will rely on active student involvement, where exercises using geological software and/or open-source codes and assignments will be prioritized over lectures. It is meant for students interested in combining numerical modeling and sedimentary basin analysis.


  • Basin Analysis: Principles and Application to Petroleum Play Assessment, By: Philip A. Allen and John R. Allen, ISBN: 978-0-470-67377-5 August 2013 Wiley-Blackwell 632 Pages
  • Mathematical Modeling of Earth's Dynamical Systems, By: Slingerland, Rudy and Kump, Lee. Princeton University Press, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-691-14513-3
  • Seismic Data Analysis, By: Yilmaz, Oz, 2001, Freely available at:
  • Illustrated Seismic Processing, Vol. 1 and 2 By: Stephen J. Hill and Andreas Rueger, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
  • First Steps in Seismic Interpretation, By Herron, D. A. 2011 Society of Exploration Geophysicists

More info:!campus/all/event.asp?gguid=0x664BE72DB35340D2999CFF6A78C538AD

Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphy [T-BGU-113457]

Lecturer: T.T. Prof. Nevena Andrić-Tomašević

Language: English            Semester: Summer semester

Content: Seismic interpretation together with sequence and seismic stratigraphy represents the basic methodology for understanding the evolution of sedimentary basins and for exploration and exploitation of Georesources in the subsurface. This course provides a link between seismic interpretation and high-resolution sequence analysis. The subject is tackled from a practical point of view with hands-on experience in the form of exercises. The course is aimed at students, PhD students and professionals within a geoscience-related discipline who wish to learn about the fundamentals of seismic interpretation, sequence and seismic stratigraphy. At the end of this course, participants know basic principles in seismic interpretation including method limitations, pitfalls and uncertainties, they develop an understanding of fundamental concepts of seismic and sequence stratigraphy, able to apply principles in seismic interpretation in order to define system tracts and sequences in siliciclastic and carbonate environments, able to recognize and understand key structural regimes in various types of sedimentary basins and able to assess factors controlling basin evolution.


  • Catuneanu, O. (2006): Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Vail, P. A. et. al. (1993): Sequence Stratigraphy – A Global Theory for Local Success; Oilfield Review, 1/93, p. 51-62; Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Martins-Neto, M.A., Catuneanu, O. (2010): Rift sequence stratigraphy; Marine and Petroleum Geology 27(2010) 247-253, Elsevier.
  • Catuneanu, O. (2002): Sequence stratigraphy of clastic systems: concepts, merits, and pitfalls; Journal of African Earth Sciences 35 (2002), 1-43, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Successful participation in this course depends on achieving at least 60% of all available points of exercises.  This course (1 ECTS) is a prerequisite for the module exam (3 ECTS), i.e., students can only take the module exam in "Seismic Interpretation" if they pass this prerequisite and a second prerequisite called "Introduction to Reflection Seismics" (1 ECTS, given by Thomas Hertweck and Thomas Bohlen). 5 ECTS points in total are awarded for the module (1 ECTS for each prerequisite, 3 ECTS for the module exam). The module exam will take place after the lecture period and consists of a 2h written exam covering topics from both prerequisites. The date(s) for the written exam(s) will be announced in the lectures.

More info:!campus/all/abstractBrickView.asp?gguid=0x342DE67926EB462BA41EC7FA0BD4C849