Carbonate platform margin to foreland basin evolution in the Pre-Karst Unit of the Dinarides, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Speaker:
4:00 pm
The Pre-Karst unit in the Dinarides represents a transitional paleogeographic domain between the external carbonate platform environments of the High-Karst unit and the dominantly deep-water environments recorded in the more internal units of the Dinarides. Exposures near Gacko in Bosnia and Herzegovina offer a glimpse into the evolution of the carbonate platform margin in response to the gradual orogenic advancement in the Dinarides during the Cretaceous. Samples were taken at the studied section in order to perform microfacies and biostratigraphic analyses. In total, 6 microfacies types were identified, ranging from restricted-marine to toe-of-slope, while the age of the studied deposits ranges from Barremian-Aptian to early Campanian.